Everything you need to know about dry eyes

If your eyes are tired, gritty, sore and watery, you may be suffering from a common but often misdiagnosed disorder – and there is more you can do than simply put up with it.

They may be the windows of the soul, but if your eyes are tired, gritty, sore or watery, that window can feel more like a cracked, scratched pane of glass.

Dry eye syndrome is a common disorder in which the eyes either don’t make enough tears or they evaporate from the eye’s surface too quickly.

Around a third of all Australians are thought to experience at least two of the symptoms of dry eyes and research has found it is even more common in people aged over 50, particularly women.

What are the symptoms of dry eyes?

Dry eye can be tricky to diagnose because the symptoms vary so widely. It’s also commonly confused with other conditions, such as allergies.

Dry eye has been shown to affect daily activities including reading, computer work, driving and sleeping.

The signs and symptoms, which usually affect both eyes, can include:

  • Stinging, burning or scratchy eyes
  • Itchiness
  • Occasional blurred vision
  • Redness
  • Eye fatigue
  • Grittiness or feeling like you have something in your eye
  • Watery eyes (which is your body’s response to the irritation)

What are main causes of dry eyes?

Dry eye syndrome is associated with a long list of causes including any eye trauma, long-term computer use, weather conditions, irritants such as pollution and cigarette smoke, and infrequent blinking.

Other contributing factors can include certain medications, autoimmune diseases and previous eye surgery. As we get older, the flow and production of our tears reduces which can also contribute to symptoms.

Can you relieve the symptoms of dry eyes?

Happily, yes! Over-the-counter medications have come a long way in recent years.

Systane Complete provides relief from multiple symptoms of dry eye disorder, with just two small drops lasting eight long hours.

Systane Complete uses nano droplet technology to supplement all layers of the tear film, delivering moisture optimisation and evaporation protection for dry, gritty and sore eyes.

Which means you can get back to focusing on your busy life without constant irritation.

Other tips include avoiding direct contact with wind, hot air, direct sunlight and smoke – all conditions which can irritate your eyes.

And remember to take regular breaks when driving and when sitting at a computer screen.

The windows to your soul will be shining happily in no time!

* This post is brought to you by Systane Complete. Always read the label. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional.


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