Get your ski fitness edge on with The HIIT Mum

Stay strong on the slopes and get the competitive edge with Colette McShane’s bodyweight legs and core workout.

These strength and conditioning exercises will improve your performance on the mountain and help prevent any strains and pains.

20 x Squat Jumps

Start in a deep squat position with your chest and shoulders back and arms out in front of you, hands touching. Jump up explosively, straightening your legs in the air and bring arms back for power. Land with a soft bent knee ready to explode up and go again.

30-Second Extended Plank Shoulder Taps

Tap your opposite shoulder while in a plank position, keeping hips straight and maintaining that perfect plank.

30 x Plyometric Lunges

Plyometric lunges are jumping lunges and extremely good for building leg strength. Try adding in opposite arms to legs, and use your power and the momentum of your arms to help with that fast switch.

30-Second Russian Twist

You can use a weight here, or keep it bodyweight only. In a seated position, start with your legs extended in front of you (keep your feet off the floor and knees bent if you can) and hands clasped. Bend your elbow, twist to one side, almost touching the floor with your elbow, then rotate to the other side. This will give you a great torso twist and oblique workout.

20 Forward Squat Jumps

Start off in a deep squat position, and leap off the floor, jumping forward to land in a squat with soft bent knees. Aim to land as light and deep as you can. Change direction, and go again.

30-Second Plank Jacks

Start in an extended/high plank position and jump your feet out at either side into a V shape. Jump back into your starting position and repeat for 30 seconds. Keep your bottom down and in a perfect plank position for this one. If you are starting out, you can step the feet out to each side.

30 to 45-Second Sumo Squat Hold

You guessed it — drop into a bodyweight squat position, aiming for your legs/quads to be parallel with the floor. Hold this position for 30 or 45 seconds, depending on your fitness. Ensure you keep your chest back, and use a wall if it helps with balance.

30 Seconds Fast Mountain Climbers

We can’t leave mountain climbers out of a snow-inspired workout. These get the heart rate up, as well as build a super-strong core and some speed through your legs. Start in a high plank position and sprint each knee in towards your chest, alternating them each time.

The Annihilator: 10 x Explosive Jumping Jacks

This will finish your round off with a bang! Start in a squat position and jump off the ground, bringing your legs out as wide as you can before bringing them back in narrow as you land again in that squat. These are TOUGH, but are great to get the heart rate pumping. When you complete round one, take a 30-second to one-minute breather and repeat two more times.

Ensure you do a great stretch to cool down, focusing on the legs and torso plus your chest and shoulders.

For more workouts like this, download PT in my Pocket, check out or see Colette’s express glute workout for more ideas.