What options do we have when antibiotics are off the table?

There’s more to treating an infection than simply antibiotics, shares Pharmacist and Master Herbalist Gerald Quigley on The House of Wellness Radio.

The World Health Organisation announced last year that antibiotic resistance is the greatest threat to mankind.

How is it that we can minimise our exposure to antibiotics, to ensure that if and when they are needed, we can rely on them as an effective treatment option?

Here are some ideas:

Never keep leftover antibiotics in the medicine cupboard for future use. Take any that are left over to your local pharmacist for disposal.

Keep in mind that most wintertime infections are viral, therefore rendering antibiotic treatment irrelevant.

If the viral infection does induce a secondary bacterial infection, then an antibiotic MIGHT be appropriate. The decision to start antibiotics should only be made after careful clinical consideration by your doctor.

Logically, maintaining efficient immune function is fundamental to being able to withstand a viral attack. Keeping hands clean before eating, keeping hands away from the nose and mouth, using an isotonic, preservative-free saline irrigation to ensure healthy nasal passages, and eating organic, fresh foods all contribute to reduced risk.

Herbs like Echinacea help lift immune resistance when used across the cooler months. Many formulations contain an assortment of useful substances and nutrients to help support immune function.

Nutrients like vitamin C additionally help boost immune function.

Adequate sleep and rest are often underestimated in their effectiveness for reducing infections.

We don’t see as much sunshine in winter, so additional vitamin D as a supplement may also help as well.

If you do feel that an infection is looming, or that a previous infection is returning, then listen to your body. Sometimes, we don’t seem to have time to do that!


The House of Wellness Radio Show

Tune into The House of Wellness Radio to hear Gerald discuss antibiotics and how their increased use is impacting both our gut, and overall health.

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