Oh baby! Let’s talk about morning sickness

You’re expecting a baby and it’s the happiest time of your life – except when you’re rushing for the sick bag. If you’re suffering the pregnancy queasies, you’re not alone.

Up to 80 per cent of women suffer from the nausea (with or without) vomiting that goes under the name of morning sickness.

The name is a misnomer, as anyone who has experienced it will tell you – because morning sickness symptoms can occur at any time of the day or night.

Although rarely serious, morning sickness can be very unpleasant.

A few facts about morning sickness

There’s no one cause of morning sickness, although in many cases it’s thought to be triggered by increased hormone levels during the first few weeks of pregnancy.

Most often a symptom of early pregnancy, it often goes away after the first three months.

Severity can vary greatly from woman to woman. And for some unlucky mums-to-be, those queasy feelings can last right up until bub is born.

Morning sickness can also vary from one pregnancy to the next, meaning you could experience it with one pregnancy but feel fine the next time.

morning sickness

Top tips to ease morning sickness

The good news is there’s lots you can do to help reduce your morning sickness symptoms.

Keep up your fluids, which can help reduce vomiting.

If you’re finding it difficult to keep things down, try sucking on an ice cube made from water or fruit juice.

It might help to avoid having an empty stomach.

While there’s no hard and fast rules about which foods work best for mums-to-be with iffy tummies, fatty and spicy foods are usually best avoided and carby, salty snacks like crackers can help.

Smaller meals are often best, but steer clear of foods if their taste, smell or appearance makes you feel sick.

Ginger has also been found to be a safe and effective treatment for nausea and vomiting – try sipping some ginger tea or flat ginger ale.

And don’t forget your supplements.

NutraCare PregmaPlus+ is the only maternity supplement with active morning sickness relief as part of its formulation.

Handy for the 30 per cent of us who can’t take tablets, PregmaPlus+ is soluble and contains the highest levels of the four most critical nutritional requirements of pregnancy – folic acid, iodine, iron and calcium.

And last but definitely not least, treat yourself to a little shut-eye.

Tiredness can make nausea worse, so rest up.

You’re going to need all of your energy soon enough!

*This post is brought to you by NutraCare PregmaPlus+. Use only as directed.