Join the campaign for dignity this Christmas

With about 46,000 females homeless in Australia, Chemist Warehouse has joined forces with Share the Dignity – an organisation helping women gain access to female hygiene products.

Brisbane woman Rochelle Courtenay founded Share the Dignity in 2015 when she began collecting sanitary items and distributing them to local shelters.

Chemist Warehouse has now joined the organisation’s efforts and is a designated collection point where shoppers can donate to the cause.

Funds donated will be distributed through a bulk allocation of sanitary products, which will see 7000 sanitary items and basic toiletries dispensed throughout women’s shelters, helping domestic violence sufferers and homeless women.

“With the number of homeless women in Australia growing every day, we understand the necessity to provide access to basic hygiene,” Chemist Warehouse chief operating officer Mario Tascone says.

Join the campaign this Christmas by purchasing a #itsinthebag pack that you can then drop off at your chosen collection point.

To order your pack and find your local collection point, visit Chemist Warehouse.

Donations for the Christmas pack can be made from 18 November to 2 December 2017.