What you need to know about Cushing’s syndrome

5 March, 2024 . by Tianna Nadalin

Actress Amy Schumer recently shared her Cushing’s syndrome diagnosis. Here’s what you should know about this rare but serious hormonal disorder.


The good behind ‘bad’ hormone cortisol

31 May, 2023 . by Raymond Suba

Cortisol may be known as the ‘stress hormone’ and the culprit behind many ills. But experts say its work is not all bad – in fact, we wouldn’t survive without…


A brush with mortality: Life with the rare Addison’s disease

28 February, 2023 . by christine joy magat

While not common, Addison’s disease can be debilitating and lead to life-threatening emergencies. But managed well, it’s also possible to live a happy, healthy life.


7 ways to cope when you are at stress breaking point

2 November, 2022 . by Michelle Rose

Feeling overwhelmed and at your wits’ end? You might be spiralling towards your stress breaking point. Here is how to spot the signs and dial down the pressure.


A cold shower could be the boost you need to kick-start your day

19 September, 2022 . by Michelle Rose

From skin hydration to pain relief and a mood lift, cold showers are said to bring a wealth of health benefits. So should you try one?


8 reasons you are hungry all the time

12 January, 2021 . by Sarah Fennell

Is your stomach growling even though you’ve just eaten? This is what might be behind your insatiable appetite.


Why hormones might be putting the brakes on your weight loss

30 July, 2020 . by Sarah Fennell

Struggling to lose weight and keep it off? Turns out your hormones could be to blame. Learn why – and what to do about it.


How to not let stress harm your immune system

18 April, 2020 . by Sarah Fennell

Between remote working, home learning, social distancing and uncertainty over the coronavirus pandemic, you may be a little anxious. But keeping stress levels in check is important for immunity.


Are you at risk of burning out?

31 August, 2019 . by Sarah Fennell

Burn-out at work has become so prevalent that it’s been officially recognised as a serious health issue. Here’s how to spot the signs.


7 unexpected ways to deal with stress

21 June, 2019 . by Sarah Fennell

Sure, you could use tried-and-tested techniques to destress – but these more unusual methods can be just as effective, say scientists.