Five most common training myths busted

8 September, 2017 . by Sarah Fennell

From doing your cardio while hungry, to avoiding strength training because you don’t want to ‘bulk’ up, The Fit Pharmacist busts the most common training myths.


How to prepare your mind and body for spring

1 September, 2017 . by Sarah Fennell

There’s no better time than a change in season to reevaluate your goals and make positive change, says The Fit Pharmacist, Holly Louise.


Is muscle soreness after training good or bad?

25 August, 2017 . by Sarah Fennell

If you’re feeling the burn after your training sessions, it’s likely you’re experiencing delayed onset muscle soreness. Which according to The Fit Pharmacist may actually be a good thing.


The key to changing your body in the gym

18 August, 2017 . by Sarah Fennell

Getting the results you want is as simple as continually challenging yourself, also known as progressive overload, explains The Fit Pharmacist, Holly Louise.


Can I exercise if I am sick?

9 August, 2017 . by Sarah Fennell

We all know how imperative exercise is for health and wellbeing, but knowing when to slow down is just as important, explains The Fit Pharmacist, Holly Louise.