The power of sweat and how saunas can be good for you

24 February, 2024 . by Claire Burke

It might not always feel pleasant, but perspiring — whether from saunas or from exercise — is becoming a crucial element of wellness.


Fact or furphy? We reveal the truth behind common fitness myths

8 March, 2022 . by Erica

Wary running might bung your knees? Guzzling gallons of water every day? Our motivation for such practices might be good, but is there actually any merit to it?


Sweat it out: Facts and myths about perspiration

22 January, 2022 . by Erica

Sweating can be a minor inconvenience for some and a major source of insecurity for others, so why do we do it and what makes it so variable?


How to get the smell out of sweaty workout gear

8 November, 2021 . by Michelle Rose

Those unwelcome odours from your sweaty clothes after exercise can be hard to budge – even after washing. We ask the experts how to eliminate those rank smells once and…