Don’t let the bed bugs bite! How to stop an outbreak

11 October, 2023 . by Claire Burke

Paris has recently made world headlines because of an infestation of bed bugs. But should we be concerned about these small insects in Australia?


Why you need to leave your shoes at the door

1 May, 2022 . by Michelle Rose

Much of the dirt and dust in our homes is trekked in on our shoes. Here’s why you should consider going shoeless indoors.


Have high heels become a Covid-19 casualty?

15 November, 2021 . by Michelle Rose

Since the pandemic hit, most of us have banished our high heels to the back of our wardrobe. Our feet are thanking us, so what are we likely to wear…


3 ways to survive a day in heels

5 December, 2018 . by Sarah Fennell

It’s party season – and for many of us that means we’ll spend all day and night in heels.