Are you a cosmetics clutterbug? How to sort your beauty cabinet

Is your beauty cabinet overflowing with products that barely see the light of day? Create order from chaos with a good overhaul.

Large or small, beauty cabinets are notoriously messy.

And if you are a self-confessed beauty addict, your cabinet probably acquires new products with every Australia Post delivery that graces your doorstep.

But if space is increasingly in short supply, it may be time to whip your beauty cabinet into shape.

Styling and organisation consultant Elodie Rose says our beauty cabinet is often the first place we go to start the day, so it should be an area that makes us feel good.

“The concept behind organising is that you feel inspired rather than overwhelmed,” Elodie says.

When overhauling your beauty cabinet into a space that sparks joy, she recommends a simple process – and it starts with a good declutter.

Learn to let go

Whether you love or loathe decluttering, Elodie says the process is crucial.

“It’s the boring part, it can get messy, and it’s often the step people like to skip, but decluttering is a non-negotiable,” she says.

Products have a tendency to make their way to the dark recesses of a cupboard, so Elodie recommends emptying everything out of your cabinet then systematically eliminating unnecessary items.

First, dump anything that’s no longer in date then consider the items you have left.

“Go through it all, one by one, and ask yourself pointed questions about each item,” Elodie says.

The two big questions are: When was the last time you used the item? Do you think you will use it in the next six months?

“It’s a bit laborious but once you’re done, it can be so liberating,” Elodie says.

Feng shui master and designer Jane Langof says decluttering can help free energy flow.

“In feng shui, clutter blocks energy flow and creates obstacles,” Jane says.

“Only keep items you use regularly or those that bring you joy.”

Maximising energy can help you feel positive, motivated and happy, she adds.

Find smart storage solutions

Every beauty cabinet is different – the trick is figuring out how best to use the space you have.

“It’s almost like a puzzle; think about which storage solutions will fit best into your beauty cabinet and how you could arrange them,” Elodie says.

Storage solutions come in all shapes and sizes, from rotating trays and baskets to tiered corner shelving units.

No matter the size, shape or capacity of your beauty cabinet, you’re sure to find a good fit.

For make-up, Elodie suggests filing small items in drawer dividers, while products such as eyeshadows can be homed in vertical standing dividers, stacked so you can easily match a colour to your mood.

As for toiletries, Elodie has this tip: “I love clear storage for things like toiletries because you’re able to see everything easily.”

But don’t feel you need to spend a fortune on storage.

“Go ‘shopping’ around your home,” Elodie suggests.

“I bet you have a couple of beautiful vases or something you’re not using that would make the perfect make-up brush holder.”

Group products for a tidier beauty cabinet

When it comes to organisation, grouping “like with like” items allows you to easily find everything, while also being visually pleasing.

Groupings can include items such as make-up, nail varnish, body lotions, make-up brushes, hair ties and accessories.

Alongside these, Elodie likes to have a spot dedicated to her frequently used products, which are “a mix of toiletries and cosmetics like deodorant, body lotion, face cream – things I use every day”.

Make space for pretty things

Ensure you save room for a few items that inspire you or make you feel good.

“I really love the idea of having a stylish corner that’s filled with pretty things, like your favourite essential-oil roller, perfume or a trinket dish with jewellery,” Elodie says.

Jane recommends incorporating natural elements, too, such as a plant or crystals to balance energy. “Choose a crystal that resonates with your goals (and) creates an uplifting environment,” Jane suggests.

Read more on beauty product organisation:

Written by Sarah Vercoe.