Best ways to manage menopausal belly fat

10 December, 2022 . by Raymond Suba

Extra belly fat is common with menopause weight gain as fat distribution changes, but you don’t need to wear elastic waistbands forever – here’s what you can do.


Is ‘fog eating’ making you gain weight?

3 November, 2022 . by Michelle Rose

Fog eating – consuming more food than you need, often without being genuinely hungry – can happen almost without you realising. Here’s how to take back control.


This ‘if-then’ rule can help you build better habits

13 October, 2022 . by Michelle Rose

It’s a simple strategy, but research shows ‘if-then’ plans can significantly improve your odds of achieving your health-related goals. Learn how to make it work.


The awful reality of extreme morning sickness

12 October, 2022 . by Michelle Rose

It was world news when Kate Middleton was hospitalised with hyperemesis gravidarum. This is what it’s like to live with extreme morning sickness.


4 things that can cause belly fat

21 September, 2022 . by Michelle Rose

Had a gutful of stomach fat? The solution can start with understanding the causes of dreaded belly bulge.


A cold shower could be the boost you need to kick-start your day

19 September, 2022 . by Michelle Rose

From skin hydration to pain relief and a mood lift, cold showers are said to bring a wealth of health benefits. So should you try one?


Is the keto diet really a healthy eating plan?

15 September, 2022 . by Michelle Rose

Celebrities rave about it, but is the high-fat, low-carb keto diet all it’s cracked up to be? Here’s what you need to know.


Need a detox? The best body cleansing program won’t cost you a cent

18 July, 2022 . by Michelle Rose

From pills to powders, enemas and juice cleanses, there are plenty of detox diets to spend your cash on. But is there any point?


Is the 80/20 diet the perfect formula for long term health?

21 June, 2022 . by Michelle Rose

Don’t ditch the pizza – the 80/20 approach to eating is designed for the long haul, giving you plenty of room for the occasional treat.


Is this the winning formula you need for weight loss results?

31 May, 2022 . by Michelle Rose

Researchers have busted the myth that cardio exercise is essential for weight loss – but it comes with an important caveat.