How iridology can offer insights into your health

It’s said the eyes are the windows to our soul but as Luke Hines discovered, through the practice of iridology, they can also offer a look into our health. 

Iridology is the observation of the colours, patterns and structure of the iris (the coloured part of the eye) to gain information about a person’s overall health.

“The eye can tell so much about (a person’s) health,” Billabong Health Retreat iridologist Anne Currenti says.

“(It can reveal) where their digestion is at, how they react to stress, personality, tendencies and traits, as well as other basic things like the state of their lymphatic system, whether they process toxins, how well their bowels are moving, and what their circulation’s like.”

Chatting with Luke Hines on The House of Wellness TV, Anne says the ancient Egyptians devoted much attention to the study of the iris, but it was in the 1800s that masters of iridology began examining the eyes and linking markings in the eyes to the physical anatomy of the body.

“Now iridology has developed even further, and we are starting to connect the mental and the emotional aspects of a person to signs in their eyes as well,” she adds.

How does iridology work?

Iridologists use a range of methods to assess a person’s overall health through the iris, including:

Iris zone mapping

This method involves using charts or maps to divide the iris into zones, each of which are believed to correspond to specific organs or systems in the body.

Colour analysis

Different colours in the iris are thought to represent different health conditions.

A discolouration or change in pigmentation in a particular area may be interpreted as a sign of imbalance or a potential health issue in the corresponding organ.

Looking into Luke’s eyes, Anne says he has a “blue eye type”.

“Blue eye types are more prone to things like inflammation,” she tells him.

“This can make you feel an achiness from any sort of inflammatory condition – whether that be allergies, whether that be just pain in the body.”

Iris examination

Using a camera to photograph the iris, the iridologist closely examines both of the eyes, looking for various markings, patterns and features in the iris, such as spots, lines and rings.

These are believed to indicate specific health conditions or weaknesses.

Anne observed a bit of “grain” outside of the pupil in Luke’s eyes.

“This can indicate that your stomach isn’t producing enough gastric acid,” she tells him.

Monitoring changes

By observing the iris over a period of time, practitioners may be able to identify certain health improvements or declines.

Can iridology diagnose illness?

While iridologists believe the eyes can offer good insight into our overall health, Anne says it’s not a diagnosis method.

“Iridology is a screening tool,” she says.

“It’s not diagnostic, so it tells us of the potential (for health issues) and the areas that need nurturing in the body.”

Read more on alternative therapies:

Written by Claire Burke.