Natural ways to help you burn more fat

Shedding those extra kilos may seem harder than ever at this time of year, but it is possible to fight fat in a healthy and sustainable way.

Why is putting weight on so much easier than taking it off?

In winter, when the lure of the warm couch often wins over the temptation of your running shoes, the struggle can be real.

The first line of defence when it comes to long-term, sustainable weight management is to strive for a healthy lifestyle by enjoying a balanced, nutritional diet and exercising regularly – no matter what your age or life stage. We’ve researched some effective, natural strategies that may help you.

1. Give intermittent fasting a go

Whether it’s fasting every other day, the 5:2 diet or 16:8, restricting your eating to a certain window of time is one approach.

Research has found fasting can help regulate insulin levels, improving insulin sensitivity which in turn makes your stored body fat more available for burning.

2. Increase your protein intake

Studies show that (compared to fats and carbohydrates), protein helps you feel fuller with less food. Winning.

It also has what’s known as a  “thermic effect”, which means it requires more energy to digest, resulting in a higher calorie burn during the digestion process.

Try adding more lean meats, fish, eggs, legumes, and plant-based protein sources to your diet.

3. Get familiar with coconut-derived MCTs

Coconut-derived MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) are healthy fats that are available in oils, powder or supplement form.

Unlike long-chain fats, MCTs are quickly absorbed by the body rather than being stored as fat, on ketogenic or low carb diets.

4. Say hello to Konjac root

The Konjac plant is a Japanese root vegetable, which is full of fibre and prebiotics.

Fibre can help you feel fuller for longer which may help to prevent overeating.

5. Try Melrose Keto Fasting Support

An indulgent and low-calorie hot chocolate drink containing konjac powder and coconut-derived MCTS, Melrose MCT Keto Fasting Support is perfect for anyone trying a ketogenic or low carb diet – or simply to starve off cravings.

With only 51 calories and 2 grams of carbohydrates per serve, it can help you lengthen your fasting window.

It also contains DNF-10™, a protein hydrolysate derived from yeast.

6. More sleep, less stress

Lifestyle factors such as stress and sleep can also have an impact on your fat burning efforts, leading to emotional eating and cravings for unhealthy foods, as well as disrupting your hunger hormones.

Instead of letting sleep and stress get on top of you, try our natural and sustainable ways to burn fat faster.

And get ready to skip into spring feeling your best yet!

* This post is brought to you by Melrose MCT Keto Fasting Support.